Friday, December 28, 2012

We Have Been Approved!

Today started out at the doctor's office fo me. I woke up with the room spinning several times, through out the night. I was really scared! But, it turns out, I have a sinus infection and a virus, accompanied by a fun dose of vertigo! So I had to take the day off and while I was lying on the sofa, I got a call from Children's Services. I was half out of it, but she said that she commpleted our homestudy paperwork on the 19th and she turned it into her supervisor. She said that I sounded confused! I was more surprised! I was really starting to think we would never get this call! She said that we will be assigned a new social worker and we will hear from her within the week...then WE GET PUT ON THE LIST OF FOSTER TO ADOPT PARENTS!!!! I cannot wait! Tears of joy just streamed down my face as soon as I hung up and called my husband to give him the big news! He thought something was wrong with me! LOL! I am just so happy! Last week, I was growing so impatient. It felt like it was never going to happen for us! This is the best Christmas gift ever!